Beautiful pics of Jennifer Garner feet legs

Jennifer Garner is a West Virginia native born in Houston on 17 April 1972. William John Garner worked as a chemist for Union Carbide. Her mother Patricia Ann taught at a local university. To follow in the footsteps of her father she earned a degree in chemical engineering. She moved to New York in order to pursue her dream of becoming an actor. As she appeared in Broadway productions, she was a waitress at the nearby restaurant. Garner was as a guest in the TV show "Felicity." The show was in this show that she first met Scott Foley, her first husband. Garner made her debut in Alias which is an action-thriller. Her debut performance was in the highly praised romance 13 Going on 30. She played a teenager trapped inside a 30plus year old's body. Garner selected Gary Winick, who directed the movie. They continued to work together to find other projects after the death of Winick. The year 2009 was the first time Garner became an ambassador to the arts for Save the Children U.S.A. The program focuses on literacy, nutrition and early childhood education. Garner has served on the board of trustees since 2014. Garner promotes early childhood learning. As an ambassador she visits frequently with families that participate in Early Steps to School Success, a program that coaches parents on how to help the children in learning.

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